Skin Care Routine

While talking with my clients in my skin care business, I have noticed that many people don't understand how to use skin care products. They are not sure which order they should use them in. I've created some simple graphics, feel free to download them or save them to your Pinterest account to refer to. 

Your Morning Skin Care Routine Should Include:

1) Morning cleansers should be gentle, maybe a cream cleanser. Your face should be good and clean before you go to bed so when you wake up, you just need a gentle cleanse. Don't skip the morning cleanse thinking that because you washed your face last night that you're good. Any dirt or hair products you had in your hair when you went to bed are now on your face! It got on your pillow and when you turned on your side, it got on your face....
2) Use toner if you have oily skin, acne or if your skin care product line directs you to.
3) Apply eye cream but not too close to your travels.
4) A serum is a light moisturizer that absorbs quickly.
5) Find a good lightweight daytime moisturizer or just wear a serum.
6) If your moisturizer doesn't have sunscreen in it, then you need to apply that too.

Your Evening Skin Care Routine Should Include:

1) Remove your eye makeup with some gentle oil-free remover.
2) Cleanse your face good with a cleanser appropiate for your skin type.
3) Use toner if you have oily skin, acne or your skincare line directs you to use it.
4) Gently exfoliate with a facial scrub twice a week.
5) Use a facial mask appropiate for your skin type twice a week.
7) Apply serum.
8) You can use the moisturizer you use in the mornings or a heavier one at night, if you need some extra moisture.

Hope this helps a bit with the confusion!


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